Sustainable Development Goals
The term SDGs was adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals, which are international goals to be achieved by 2030. In Japan, awareness of the SDGs has gradually increased, and now everyone from small children to the elderly recognizes the term. While Japanese people believe that SDGs is a universal term, as of 2023, in the United States, it is more commonly referred to as “sustainability” or “Sustainable Development Goals”. Therefore, when I say SDGs in the U.S., many people don’t understand me right away.
SDGsという言葉は2015年9月に国連サミットで採択された。SDGsとは、Sustainable Development Goalsの略で、2030年までに達成すべき国際目標のこと。日本ではSDGsの認知度は少しずつ高まり、今では小さい子供からお年寄りまで知っている言葉に。日本人はSDGsは世界共通の言葉だと思っているが、2023年現在アメリカではsustainabilityとかSustainable Development Goalsと言われることが多く、SDGsと言っても伝わらない。