Scavenger Hunt (Sakura Matsuri)


Join this Scavenger Hunt & win a free 30-minute Skype session

Capture as many as possible of the following items on camera at the National Cherry Blossom Festival 2015 (the street festival) or at the specified location.  Please email your photos to  Please try to include enough background to show that you were at the festival.  You do not have to complete the entire list to win a free Skype session with Learn Japan.

  1. キリンビール
  2. Doraemon’s favorite food
  3. Naruto’s favorite food
  4. Paper craft bird that is traditional Japanese culture/activity
  5. Music instrument that is related to Mr. Miyagi’s (the original Karate Kid’s Sensei’s) hometown.
  6. Signboard/sign for a “シーヴィーエス” within 0.1 miles from the street festival