寄生獣 – Parasyte

Parasyte 01

Parasyte is the title of a SF manga written by Hitoshi Iwaaki (岩明 均) (b. 1960) between 1988 and 1995. In this story parasites come to earth and start taking over the brains of humans.  The story raises questions such as “Why do we exist?” “How should different species coexist?” “Is it right to kill other species?” and characters explore the meaning of our existence throughout the story.  Although the manga version of Parasyte was very popular, the anime version was only made in 2014.  It took almost 20 years because the production rights to Parasyte were bought by an American company, but they never made use of them.  It took 15 years for these rights to expire.  Anyway, the anime is awesome!  I love it.  I have watched it about 20 times.  lol  (There is also a live-action movie version, but personally I don’t recommend it.)