College Park Lunar New Year

The City of College Park will be hosting the Lunar New Year Celebration on Saturday, February 1st.

Countries such as Vietnam, China, and South Korea celebrate Lunar New Year, but in Japan, the celebration can only be seen in places like Chinatown. However, the City of College Park wants all Asian countries to participate, so  I will be teaching Japanese calligraphy that has its roots in China. We warmly invite you to come and celebrate with us!

City of College Parkは2月1日土曜日、Lunar New Yearのお祝いをする。ベトナム、中国、韓国などの国はLunar New Yearをするが、日本では中華街のような所でしかイベントが見られない。でもCity of College Parkはアジアの国全部参加なので、私も日本の(でも中国が起源の)書道教室をする。良かったら遊びに来てね。