Neo Hina Dolls
March 3rd is Hinamatsuri, a festival for families with girls. However, in recent years, many younger people have lost interest. During …
March 3rd is Hinamatsuri, a festival for families with girls. However, in recent years, many younger people have lost interest. During …
February 11th is National Foundation Day (建国記念の日) in Japan. Established by the amendment of the National Holidays Act in 1966, this national …
Setsubun (節分), usually celebrated on February 3rd, marks the day before the first day of spring according to the East Asian …
“Seijin no Hi” or “Coming of Age Day” is a national holiday celebrated on the second Monday in January with a ceremony …
Happy Mother’s Day!!! Please click 母の日 (Mother’s Day) to read more about it.
Here are some cute Japanese chocolate for you!
Hatsumōde is your first visit to a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine in the New Year. You generally wish for health and …
Siblings Hifumi (23) and Uta Abe (21) both won gold medals in Judo at the 2020 Olympics. I wasn’t going to talk …
The Tokyo 2020 Olympics are being held for 17 days from July 23rd through August 8th, 2021. The starting date was pushed …
Normally Setsubun falls on the 3rd of February, but it is the 2nd of February this year. This happens due to the …